Hello Brain + Hello Body Blog

A blog for people with neurological disorders and chronic illness, written by the re+active teamย 

Healing with Love: Embracing Self-Care Through Chronic Illness

chronic illness eds fnd mcas pots relationship self compassion self love Feb 13, 2025
self love, chronic illness

What better month to take a closer look at self love and how it relates to resilience in chronic illness!  

The relationship you have with yourself is the longest lasting relationship you’ll ever have! Make sure that you are pouring into yourself the same support, compassion and attention that you would give a loved one who was experiencing what you are experiencing. And reminder, self-care doesn’t have to mean a lavish or time consuming event - in fact, small, consistent acts of self love are much more sustainable! Every little action counts. 

Tips to strengthen your relationship to self:

  • Check how you are speaking to yourself:  
    Notice the tone and the language you use. Notice, don’t judge! And then see if there is room to shift into a more compassionate, gentle tone. For example, replacing the belief that  “my symptoms make me a burden” with the statement “I feel sad that my symptoms make it challenging to spend time with loved ones the same way we used to”.

    Remember, we grow and learn so much better when faced with a nurturing environment. The phrase “you can catch more flies with honey than with vinegar” comes to mind!

  • Cope proactively (rather than reactively): 
    Identify ahead of time some things you can do for yourself during moments of challenge. It can be extra helpful to consider strategies that you can access when you have low, medium and high levels of capacity! Self soothing can include joyful activities, rest, or sensory strategies - check out this freebie for some extra tips! (link sensory FND freebie)
  • Allow yourself some release:
    This might look like releasing emotion by crying, this might look like releasing pent up energy through dance or other form of movement. 


If this post has spurred some curiosity, we have a wonderful free resource from our psychology team.  3 Nervous System Regulation Strategies for FND.  Go download that guide here!